Monday, September 1, 2008

Who are we and what the heck are we doing?

I've started dozens of blogs over the past few years. I keep one for updates on my family - aimed mostly at relatives who live far away. However, my family is not Jewish and we are, well, Orthodox Jewish, so the details of our religious lives get left out...

I have another blog about my journey towards a HBAC - a home birth after cesarean. Haven't let my parents in on the whole homebirth aspect, yet I felt compelled to chronicle the voyage (mostly for myself).

Yet another blog was started and abandoned on our life as a frum family here on the edge of the continent in a city with only a handful of other frum families. I felt constrained by this as I was reluctant to bring myself into the blog - in it I existed only as a frum woman, not as a citizen of the larger world.

Other blogs have started and failed. We recently decided that our children will be unschooled and I wondered if I should start a blog about my thinking on this topic.

Then, while loading the dishwasher at 5:30 this morning (one of my fun late-pregnancy side-effects is waking up absurdly early - 4:00 today), I had an epiphany (without the religious connotations). Why not combine all these topics into a single blog?

We are unique - frum, unschooling, birth activist, bucking the system, living on the edge...

So here I am. I'm sure I'll write most of the posts with my darling husband contributing occasionally. Come along with us. I'm enjoying this adventure so far and I'd love to share it with you.

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