Hippo is sick today with a fever and diarrhea :( The three of us (me, Hippo, and Baby
Fish) have spent pretty much all day in bed.
We don't have cable or antenna reception. Until about two weeks ago we didn't even own a TV. Alas, Soulmate likes to watch movies, so we bought a used TV for $20 and a cheapo DVD player. Now he has a little movie den set up in the kids' room. The kids don't actually sleep there, they sleep with us. It's more a room to store their clothes.
Anyway, getting back on topic, we don't watch TV generally. Today I brought the laptop into the bedroom and we spent the morning watching TV online. Hippo has seen more TV today than he has cumulatively his entire life (he's 21 mos). I guess a little "Yo Gabba Gabba" won't hurt too much...
Everytime I watch TV, though, I'm reaffirmed in my decision to excise it from our lives. The shows are mostly dumb and don't hold my attention for more than a few minutes in most cases. What really gets to me are the commercials. This morning we saw commercials for a "machine" that makes aliens, a machine that you use to create pictures made from beads, a toy puppy that "grows" and talks, and a toy lion that will love you just like a realy lion cub would (!). WTF? I guess I've been out of it too long. I wouldn't buy any of these for my children, but the ads sure make them enticing.
The other day I was waxing nostalgic for my old Lite Brite.

I didn't take this - I found it online and, yes, I have a juvenile sense of humor. I also found that there's an updated version of the Lite Brite called the Lite Brite Cube or something. I don't really care. I'd pay $5 for the old-fashioned version if I could find one at Value Village. I suppose Lite Brite was considered hi-tech in its day, but I fondly recall playing with it.
Back to our TV watching today: I also found appalling the amount of ads for sugar/carb-laden/processed-beyond-all-recognition food. Who buys this shit and do they still live under a rock where no one talks about pesticides, the price of gas and the obesity/diabetes epidemic?!?!
We ain't perfect out here and mama still enjoys her chocolate ice cream (Haagen-Dazs, please), but give me a break. Maybe the people who buy these products are the same people who are enthralled with Sarah Palin ("An Alaska hillbilly with porn-star looks who's on the ticket to sew up the white trash vote" Margaret Wente,
Globe and Mail columnist)...but that's another post altogether.